Our Team


Theresa Crowe, LPTA

( Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant)

Your life consists of 2 Dates and a Dash…..Make the Most of the DASH!”

Theresa Crowe, LPTA, is passionate about providing patients with a good physical therapy experience that is enjoyable and helps them to get better. Her mission is to help patients to live pain-free, whether they are suffering from neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, ankle pain, she wants to banish any and all pain from their lives!

Theresa has always been interested in helping people live their healthiest lives. She started her career with a BS degree in Fitness Management from the University of Delaware. She worked many different jobs including working as a Fitness Specialist and Personal Trainer for the United States Air Force, cardiac rehab assistant, and Fitness/Wellness instructor and supervisor. In 2007 she graduated from NOVA with a degree as a Physical Therapy Assistant. Of all her past careers, being a physical therapy assistant is the one she loves the most.

When Theresa is not working she enjoys spending time with her three great kids, traveling as much as possible, working out, baking, and taking time to enjoy the simple things in life.